All Photos are captured by Mountain Peak Fitness.
Iron Mines 50k & Half (200+ photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
Breakneck Point Trail Runs (220+ photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
Castle to River Runs (140+ photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
Mount Tammany 10 (46 photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
Ramapo Dunderberg Trail (50+ photos) MPF Gallery
Snowshoeing in the ADK High Peaks Region (90+ photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
A WINTER Run on New York Trails - MPF Gallery | Facebook
Water Gap 50k & Half Marathon (250+ photos) MPF Gallery | Purchase
A Women’s Weekend in Catskill Mountains (59 photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run (185 photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
The 18.6 mile Escarpment Trail Run (110 photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook Gallery
Whiteface Vertical K (119 photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook Gallery
Catskill Mountains Direttissima 35 with Mike Siudy (88 photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
The North Face Endurance Challenge in Bear Mountain New York (180+ photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
The Dion Snowshoe National Championships, Vermont (90+ photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
WSSF North American Snowshoe Championships (110+ photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
Hunter Mountain, Last Adventure of 2017! (30+ photos) Facebook | MPF Gallery
NYC Marathon (60+ photos) Facebook | MPF Gallery
Cat's Tail Trail Marathon (215 photos) MPF Gallery | Purchase
Manitou's Revenge 54 Mile Ultra (250 photos) MPF Gallery | Purchase
Whiteface Sky Races (100+ photos) Facebook | MPF Gallery
Ultra-Trail du Mont Albert 165k (90+) Facebook | MPF Gallery
Cayuga Trails 50 & Marathon (193 photos) Facebook | MPF Gallery
Presidential Traverse, New Hampshire (115 photos) Facebook | MPF Gallery
Hyner View Trail Challenge (77 photos) Facebook | MPF Gallery
Breakneck Point Trail Runs (155+ photos) Facebook | MPF Gallery
MT. Tammany 10 (38 photos) Facebook | MPF Gallery
World Snowshoe Championships (155 photos) MPF Gallery | Facebook
Adirondacks New Years Winter Adventure (64 photos) Facebook | MPF Gallery
Grindstone 100 Mile Endurance Run (164 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Cats Tail Trail Marathon (42 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Vermont 50 Mile Mountain Bike Race (163 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Indian Peaks Wilderness, CO with the Adventure Club (60+photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Hardrock 100 Mile Endurance Run (200+ photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Whiteface Sky Run (115 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Whiteface Vertical K (100+ photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Manitou's Revenge 54 Mile Ultramarathon (180 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Cayuga Trails 50 Mile & Marathon (135 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Breakneck Point Trail Runs (244 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
MT Tammany 10 (201 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Team Winter Adventure, White Mountains, NH (98 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
11.8.15 Trail Running Clinic (50 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
NYC Marathon (45 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Water Gap 50k (235 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Cats Tail Trail Marathon (254 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Vermont 50 Mile Mountain Bike & Run (47 photos) MPF Gallery
Virgil's Crest 100 mile, 50 mile & 50k Ultras (175 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Escarpment 18.6 Mile Trail Run (124 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
MPF RNR Team Adventures in New Hampshire (58 photos) Facebook Gallery
Western States 100 (83 photos) MPF Gallery
Whiteface Sky Marathon (76 photos) Facebook Gallery
Whiteface Vertical K (115 photos) Facebook Gallery
Manitou's Revenge 54 Mile Ultramarathon & Relay (130 photos) Facebook Gallery
Cayuga 50 Mile Trail USATF Championships (250 photos) Facebook Gallery
The North Face 50 Mile Endurance Challenge | Facebook Gallery
Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge | Facebook Gallery
Breakneck Point Trail Marathon 50k & 25k (224 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Mount Tammany 10 - Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
Manitou's Revenge 54 Mile Ultramarathon & Relay (135 photos)
Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Challenge, Mohonk Preserve (63 photos)
Achilles Hope & Possibility 5 Miler in Central Park (47 photos) Facebook Gallery
Bryce 100 Mile Trail Run, UTAH (145 photos) Facebook Gallery
Manitou's Revenge 54 Mile Ultramarathon & Relay (129 photos)
The North Face Endurance Challenge, Bear Mtn NY (150+ photos) Facebook Gallery
3.30.13 Spring Classic Road Ride, RBNY Racing Team (25 photos) Facebook Gallery | MPF Gallery
1.27.13 Winter Hike in the Catskills, Slide Mountain Region (52 photos) Facebook Gallery
12.2.12 Team Trail Run, Seven Hills Trail, Harriman State Park
Mountain Madness 50k & 25k Trail Races (150+ photos) Facebook Gallery
Hancock Shaker Village 50 Mile Ultramarathon (40 photos) Facebook Gallery
8.4.12 Team Trail Run in Sterling Forest (70 photos) Facebook Gallery
Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run (102 photos) Facebook Gallery
Catskills Team Training Camp (50 photos) Facebook Gallery
Laurel Highlands 70.5 Ultra (29 photos) Facebook Gallery
5.20.12 Mountain Peak Fitness | Campmor Team Run at the Palisades (29 photos) Facebook Gallery
The North Face 50 Mile Endurance Challenge in Bear Mountain New York (179 photos) Facebook Gallery
4.8.12 MPF Campmor Team Photos & Trail Run (50 photos) Facebook Gallery
2011 - 2009
2011 Mountain Madness 50k Trail Race, Ringwood State Park, NJ
12.4.11 Bergen Catholic Wrestling Team Guided Trail Run (64 photos) Facebook Gallery