The MPF Adventure Club is a community of runners, cyclist, mountain athletes, strength athletes, endurance athletes, hikers and anyone who loves nature and the environment. Our goal is to build a strong community of like minded individuals who share the passion for training and adventuring. We welcome everyone of all abilities to share their desire for fitness and adventure.
Join US on Facebook!
It's free to join, just follow this facebook link to the MPF Adventure Club and hit the + Join Group tab. . This is the clubs main forum for communication between one another and where you will find all of the latest group happenings, adventures, training tips and anteing that you would like to share. You can ask questions about training, gear, upcoming races, as well as share opinions, thoughts, photos & videos from your adventures or workouts.
After joining the MPF Adventure Club, run over to Strava and join us there as well. Strava is basically a social network for athletes that tracks and stores all of your training data. Each workout, whether a run, bike or hike that you upload to Strava, will automatically be broken down into segments (specific section of road or trail) and compared against your past efforts, as well as other athletes who’ve run, ridden or explored that same segment. You can then see where you rank and use this information for motivation to train smart, move up the leaderboards, establish course records (CRs) and become the King (KOM) or Queen (QOM) of the mountain.
Adventures can take place anywhere so whether you're exploring your limits on a bike or challenging yourself to a mountain run, join us and strengthen your community of adventurers!
Member Responsibilities
Promote the outdoors & fitness.
Promote Leave No Trace.
Respect Parks & the Park Rangers who protect them.
Help others with their adventures.
Ensure Safety is of the Highest Priority on any Club Adventure.
Show up to club adventures fully prepared and self sufficient.
Establish goals & train smart!

A Few Adventures...