A WINTER Run on New York Trails
February motivation: Find something that fills your life with passion and that brings out the best in yourself and others.
Several of us from the MPF Adventure Club met for a trail run in Harriman State Park, New York. We caught up with MPF athlete Emmanuel, who in 2018 completed the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning + 1 which includes running 5 of America’s oldest 100 mile foot races in the span of 4 months.
Old Dominion 100
We picked Emmanuel up at a nearby train station, he lives in the big apple (NYC). We then met everyone at Reeves Meadow Visitor Center in HSP. It was a beautiful winter morning, with plenty of snow and ice to run on. We used microspikes and Yaktrax’s for traction. Jay used his light and quick feet to stay upright, oh and he was also in the grippy Salomon Sense Pro 3’s.
Joe also discusses training with good friend Harry Hamilton. Harry has completed many epic ultra running races throughout the country and has transitioned into cycling over the last couple of years. He his coming off another big season of Cross and is slowly getting back on his feet again.
Video Links

Kahtoola Microspikes: https://amzn.to/2WdNmjj
Hillsounds: https://amzn.to/2sH8Ozs
Yaktrax Run: https://amzn.to/2MR8vva
Salomon Sense Ride GTX: https://amzn.to/2RGUrKF
Salomon Speed Spikes: https://amzn.to/2WcyyRQ
Salomon Sense Pro 3: https://amzn.to/2DV6wmX
Ben Nephews Review on the Speedspikes: http://bit.ly/2Tq92q4
Salomon S/LAB XA Alpine: http://bit.ly/2p1Ele0
Musher’s Secret Paw Protection Wax: https://amzn.to/2CEa0Zi
GoPro Hero 7 Black: https://amzn.to/2MRWANH