Sights & Sounds from the 2018 U.S. Snowshoe National Championships
Sights & Sounds from the 2018 Dion Snowshoe National Championships which took place in Woodford, Vermont at the Prospect Mountain Nordic Ski Center! They had received 40+ inches of snow just a couple of days before race weekend.
Giant Mountain Adventure in the Adirondacks of New York!
Over the Martin Luther King Jr weekend, a few of us headed up to the Adirondack Mountains for a little winter camping, a Giant Mountain adventure and the WSSF Snowshoe National Championships that was taken place that Sunday.
Breakneck Point Winter Snowshoe Adventure
Today was indeed an adventure! We met this morning at the Mount Beacon Trail Head and ventured out to the Breakneck Point Trail courses covering several + miles. At points we went off course taking advantage of the abundance of snow with our snowshoes.
A Snow Day in Harriman State Park
Harriman State Park needs volunteers to break some trails! Today we received about a foot+ of snow. We were hoping for more but this will do. Here is a little footage of our time out in Southern HSP. Be sure to watch the entire footage for an exclusive weather update from the one and only Elizabeth Azze!
Team at the 2017 World Snowshoe Championships!
Saranac Lake, NY was the 1st city in the US to host the World Snowshoe Championships! We are very excited to have witnessed this event and had several athletes from the MPF RNR Trail Running Team competing.
An Adirondack 2017 New Years Winter Adventure!
We rang in the New Year with a trip to the Adirondacks High Peaks Wilderness!
Snowshoeing in Harriman State Park without snowshoes...
Today, conditions were good for snowshoeing in the Harriman State Park area of New York. Some of us opted for the no snowshoe approach, but had to raise the effort quite a bit just to keep pace. Hiking poles & microspikes definitely helped but still were no match for the efficiency of proper snowshoeing.
Quick Review on the 2015 MSR Ascent Snowshoes
In 2011 we are tried out the MSR Lightning Axis Snowshoes and we still use them today. From breaking trail in 2+ feet of snow, to cruising around on hard packed trails, and climbing up and over mountain tops, the MSR’s design is a step above the rest.