Microspikes vs Snowshoes
Microspikes vs Snowshoes. With a variety of traction devices available for walking, hiking and running, which do you invest in? The two most important factors to think about when heading outside in wintry conditions regarding footwear traction are which device will be best for the demand ahead, as well as the most reliable. Durability and dependability are paramount when it comes to winter gear.
The companies we recommend the most for foot traction are @msr_gear, @kahtoola and @hillsoundequipment. While traveling by foot in the backcountry we always carry both a version of Kahtoola or Hillsound footwear traction devices as well as Snowshoes from either MSR or TSL.
Here is a fun comparison between microspikes and MSR Snowshoes while traveling in 20 inches of fresh snow a few years back in #harrimanstatepark. They both are essential for the winter traveler but serve different purposes.
Kahtoola MICROspikes - https://amzn.to/38oD2vw.
Kahtoola NANOspikes - https://amzn.to/3muoNKQ.
Kahtoola EXOspikes - https://amzn.to/3nEtxin.
MSR Lightning Ascent Snowshoes - https://amzn.to/3rdSgMI.
MSR EVO Snowshoes - https://amzn.to/3h1OZvc.
Hillsound Trail Crampon - https://amzn.to/3mxRO8A.
Carrying the MSR Lightning Ascent Snowshoes