2017 Thom B 52k & Cayuga Trails 50 by Scotie Jacobs
ou have to embrace the darkness to get to the light. There have been a lot of big changes in my life since my last race report, which was for Grindstone 100. I pretty much had a walk through Hell at Grindstone, as my marriage was coming to an end amongst other things. Trudging through pouring rain mostly alone for 30 hours or so gives a person way too much time to think....
Carpe Fortitudo – Seize Strength by Ben Nephew
In this article, MPF Coach Ben Nephew discusses his transition from collegiate road racing to trail running, the importance of race selection and embracing our strengths.
Tips on Finding the Right Coach by Elizabeth Azze
MPF Coach Elizabeth Azze shares some helpful tips of what to look for when hiring a coach.
2015 NYC Marathon, Team FACES in Action!
This year I had the opportunity to coach 12 amazing athletes who have been raising money toward research for Epilepsy through the NYU Langone Medical Center, FACES (FINDING A CURE FOR EPILEPSY AND SEIZURES).
Using Garmin Connect AutoSync with your Training Peaks & Strava Accounts
Garmin’s AutoSync feature allows you to upload your training data to your Garmin Connect account and then it will automatically send that data, in about 10 seconds, to any other connected sites.