The Night Before the 2010 Wasatch 100 Mile Endurance Run
After 4 days camping, hiking and for Joe, epic mountain biking, I have to say I haven’t seen beauty and calmness of this magnitude since my days in Alaska. The Wasatch mountain range is magnificent in beauty and inspiring in its grandeur and I can’t wait to be surrounded in its glory. It was key to get here early to get a lay of the land so as to avoid getting lost due to the remote nature of the course and since it is loosely marked. I just got weighed and the race meeting is about to start. I am excited and maybe feeling a tiny bit nervous about the immensity of this race. It really is going to be us against or in perfect harmony with mother nature in all of her glory. From climbing the beautiful peaks to braving the chilly 20 degree nights along with possible snow, I am looking forward to seeing the star filled sky and I welcome the awesome challenge that stands before me.
Joe will be posting updates on TWITTER at @MPFadventures, you can click here to follow.
The Wasatch Front 100 website does a great job in following the race and giving updates. You will find the exact location of each runner on the map which shows the terrain and topography, just click here.
Always adventure
Desolation Lake - Mile 66.93