Try once then Try Again...It is steeper than it looks

I headed out a little later than planned for today’s ride, which for a Sunday these days can limit your trail options because of overcrowding.

Trailhead and parking lots fill up fast, especially on nice days around here. I went to an area of Sterling Forest that not many others go to. Other than seeing a couple of campers, I was all alone.

There has been this short steep climb that I see each time I visit this area. It takes you up to the ridge of Pine Hill overlooking the Tuxedo Golf Course and the new Sterling Loop area. It has been created by dirt bikes so it is dug up and full of loose rock and dirt.

This was the 1st time I finally gave it a go. I have been avoiding it because I know what kind of effort is needed and I didn't have the fitness. I am feeling a bit stronger each week and figured I try it. It doesn't look like much because of the GoPro angle but it is pretty steep.



Exercise Highlight 16: Farmers Carry


Finally BACK in Ringwood State Park!