Sights & Sounds from the 2018 U.S. Snowshoe National Championships
Sights & Sounds from the 2018 Dion Snowshoe National Championships which took place in Woodford, Vermont at the Prospect Mountain Nordic Ski Center! They had received 40+ inches of snow just a couple of days before race weekend.
Giant Mountain Adventure in the Adirondacks of New York!
Over the Martin Luther King Jr weekend, a few of us headed up to the Adirondack Mountains for a little winter camping, a Giant Mountain adventure and the WSSF Snowshoe National Championships that was taken place that Sunday.
“The Longest Walk Ever” The Ouray 100 Mile Endurance Run by Jay Lemos
This run takes place in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado and has a total elevation change of over 84,000 feet, with 41,000+ feet of elevation gain!
The 2017 MT Tammany 10 by Jay Lemos
MPF RNR Athlete Jay Lemos kicked his 2017 season off with the rugged Mount Tammany 10! This is how his race went down.
"Running Scared" at the Cats Tail Trail Marathon by Jay Lemos
Cat’s Tail Trail Marathon, a gnarly run through the beautiful Catskill mountains, and my last chance to have a fun race this year.
The 2016 Mt Tammany 10 "Better Late Then Never..." by Ben Nephew
I woke up, and my watch said 3:10am. The Tammany 10 started at 6:30 in the Delaware Water Gap, over 4 hours north of where I was scrambling...