Exercise Highlight 12: Revisiting the Kettlebell Swing
The kettlebell swing is a movement that all athletes should include in their training and is for anyone looking to increase their general fitness and functional strength. You are training and conditioning the body as a whole. Everything from your cardiorespiratory to grip strength will be challenged.
Exercise Highlight 11: Getting Started with the Kettlebell Deadlift
How do I get my sleepy posterior chain strong and active? Let’s start with one of my favorites the Kettlebell Deadlift.
Exercise Highlight 10: Assisted Hamstring Stretch with Active Leg Raise
The Static Hamstring Stretch with Active Leg Raise is a great way to open up your hips and lengthen your hamstrings. This stretch focuses on improving your ability to extend through your hips and ensure your core is properly engaged throughout the pattern.
Exercise Highlight 9: Floor Bridge with Marching
An essential exercise for the athlete. This is an anti-rotation exercise, focused on increasing stability of your core and pelvic, while ensuring the gluteals are responding properly.
Exercise Highlight 8: Split Squat
First off, Split Squats are not lunges. This is a stationary movement that's staggered stance in the sagittal plane of motion. The Split Squat will require proper hip, knee and toe (particularly the big toe) mobility in order to execute properly.