Foam Rollers & Massage Tool Recommendations (Updated)
There are many different types of foam rollers and massage tools out on the market today. We have narrowed it down to the one's that work the best and will hold up well over time.
Exercise Highlight 12: Revisiting the Kettlebell Swing
The kettlebell swing is a movement that all athletes should include in their training and is for anyone looking to increase their general fitness and functional strength. You are training and conditioning the body as a whole. Everything from your cardiorespiratory to grip strength will be challenged.
"Kids Outside" Cascade Mountain Trip Report by Ben Nephew
"While I knew Gavin would love the slide itself, I wasn’t sure how much he would enjoy any necessary off-trail travel to reach the slide. I asked Jan Wellford about the climb, and he said the bushwhacking was not that bad, you just had to get around the near vertical face of the falls, which is a major ice climbing spot in the winter months. I decided that Gav and I would give it a shot..."
"Some People Just Don't Give a HOOT"
Thank you to Ali Bauman of CBS News and the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference for helping to bring attention and awareness to the littering problem in our local parks. This is not just about our parks but about all parks and communities that have been experiencing a similar situation. We contributed some videos and pictures to the feature that was aired live Tuesday at 5pm.
Carpe Fortitudo – Seize Strength by Ben Nephew
In this article, MPF Coach Ben Nephew discusses his transition from collegiate road racing to trail running, the importance of race selection and embracing our strengths.
Developing Strength & Stability in the Foot, Ankle, and Lower Leg
In Silas's previous article he discussed some common running-related injuries of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Keeping the mechanisms and dysfunctional movement patterns that cause injury to these areas in mind, he now shares ways to effectively strengthening the foot, ankle, and lower leg muscles.
Tips on Finding the Right Coach by Elizabeth Azze
MPF Coach Elizabeth Azze shares some helpful tips of what to look for when hiring a coach.
Combining GPS Files
A great free utility that allows you to combine multiple gpx, gps, or tcx files into one!
Exercise Highlight 7: Kneeling Core Press-out Progressions
Including the Core Band Press-out with Progression before and during your workouts, a few times each week, can help ensure that your core is activated and ready for the training session ahead.
Yoga Nidra: "Settle Your Body & Recharge Your Mind" by Donna Sherman, MSW, RYT
Donna is married to an ultra trail runner and witnessed time and time again, just how much mental training and refined attention can enhance athletic performance.
Exercise Highlight 6: Foam Rolling your Quadriceps
The quadriceps are made up of 4 primary muscles that commonly have a lot of tightness and adhesions within them, especially in the large population of people who sit much of the day.
Calf Muscle Tightness, Achilles Tendon Length and Lower Leg Injury
The repetitive motion of running has a way of exposing every weakness and imbalance over time. Those impairments can quickly turn into an injury if not addressed. Some of the most common areas of injury in runners are the ankle & Achilles tendon.
Leave No Trace
We are here to explore the lands as freely as we like but we must revere them. With proper preparation and awareness we can accomplish the goal of safe travel and enjoyment while simultaneously minimizing our impact and leaving the Parks and Forests in better shape when we leave.
Beginner Trail Running Clinic Hosted by MPF Coach Elizabeth Azze & Run on Hudson Valley
I believe the adventure and joy that trail running offers should be experienced by all so this past weekend I led a beginner trail running clinic at Bear Mountain State Park sponsored by Run On Hudson Valley.