Coach Elizabeth Azze & MPF Athlete Alex Papadopoulos talk Dragon's Back Mountain Race
Coach Elizabeth Azze speaks with her athlete, Alex Papadopolous about his 6 day adventure across uniquely wild, trackless, and the remote mountainous terrain of Wales, at the Dragon’s Back 6 day race.
Over 400 hardy souls started from Conway Castle carrying a10-15lb pound mandatory pack containing essentials for the poor weather, nutrition, etc. These endurance athletes navigated themselves over mountains as this is not a marked course. Participants traveled over the most technical terrain along the mountainous spine of Wales covering an ultra distance everyday for 6 days with the goal of making it to Cardiff Castle.
Each day one would also have to make essential cut-offs to be considered an official finisher for the day. After each stage was completed, you needed to eat, shower, sleep in a tent, then rise up early to start again. Some would make it, some would not. Out of the over 400 starters only 90 athletes officially made it to Cardiff Castle.
If you have any questions regarding his journey or you’d like to dig deeper into his training feel free to comment on our Facebook, YouTube or Instagram posts.
The breakdown of each day is as follows, these are real numbers folks!
Day 1 - 30.4 miles with 12,467 feet ascent
Day 2 - 36.5 miles with 11,155 feet ascent
Day 3 - 43.5 miles with 11,155 feet ascent
Day 4 - 43 miles with 7,546 feet ascent
Day 5 - 43.5 miles with 10,499 feet ascent
Day 6 - 39 miles with 4,265 feet ascent
Gear links
Recommended Links
• Dragon’s Back Mountain 6 Day Race
• Alex’s website that includes the Mount Tammany 10 and No Man’s 50k
• For more coaching and training information, click here.
Videos Recaps of Each Day