A Great Time for a Hike with Winter Just Around the Corner
Our favorite time of year is when it begins to feel like winter...and it felt like that today in Harriman State Park, NY! Winter begins next Thursday, December 21st and ends March 19th, 2018.
If your feeling the stress of 2017, whether physical, mental or emotional; either positive or negative; within family, business, social or athletics; be sure to slow it down and head out for a walk in the woods! This is a great time of year for hiking and reflecting.
Keeping this weeks training tip simple: If you run a lot, slow it down and hike. If you ride a lot, get off your bike and head out for a hike. If you haven't been doing much, hike! Don't let the shorter days get you down.
Here are a few photos that I took from the trails today in HSP, around Lake Skannatati & Askoti.