Elizabeth's 2008 Run-Up The Empire State Building
2008 - Another great adventure up the Empire State Building Run, which entails running up or walking up 1,576 steps! 50 or so women gathered on the second floor then to the start...The race director spoke about how unique and bit crazy we all were to tackle such an event stating 450, 000 people finished a marathon this year and less than 200 would be able to say they ran up the Empire State Building.
As we stood there admist the flash bulbs of the media i started to look around at my awesome company of pretty amazing group of women. We were all jockeying for a position, seeing how we stood ten across or more and we had to fit into a staircase that was about 6 ft in width. I began to realize the importance of positioning, then the gun went off.
The most popular question of the morning was, would you rather run up the ESB or run a marathon? The most popular answer was, “I would rather run a marathon.” Other than my chest and throat hurting from the hot dusty air in the stairwell I felt great! Big thanks to Paul and Tim for being my photographers and keeping me company. Off to the trails for my second run then to the gym. Cheerio!