Turkish Get-Up 5A
Watch the video tutorials provided below the workout. Practice each movement, with proper bracing, breathing and engagement of your core. Take your time and focus on the positioning and feel for each. Practice moving well. Be sure to use the appropriate weight, resistance and intensity so that you are fatiguing within the recommended repetitions and durations without compromising form.
2-6 Rounds
Complete as a circuit by moving from one exercise immediately to the next with 2-5 minute rest between rounds. Massage, active stretch and correctives are done at this time, as and if needed.
(1) Elevated Bird Dog Rows 8-10 reps with KB or DB
Don’t rush through these. Practice feeling the engagement of your core as you build tension.
Hold end range of motion for 5-10 seconds.
(2) Elevated Bridges with Barbell 6-8 reps
Mid back on elevated bench, platform or couch, at least 1 ft high.
Use dumbbells placed vertical on hips, sandbags, medicine balls, barbell, etc.
Drive through glutes, slight activation of hamstring, abdomen tight.
Watch for arching of lower back, keep neutral, ribs down. Chin tucked half way to chest.
(3) Pushups to T’s 3-5 second holds at top end range.
Option to do a pushup or just work on the T motion from the straight arm plan position.
Pushup, chest taps floor, full lockout at top, rotate to a T with arms fully extended.
Move slow. Press strong through entire hand. Watch for shrugging of shoulders.
PRACTICE, quality over quantity.
(4) Turkish Get-Ups 3-6 repetitions each side
30+ seconds each rep. Take your time, work and feel each phase and position.
Hold top position for 5+ seconds, being sure arm and shoulder are stacked over a strong, braced neutral core.
Watch for ribs flaring and low back arching when standing stacked and braced.
The variation in the video below, places less stress on your down knee by stepping towards it with the opposite foot, to the half kneeling position.
(5) Stability Ball or TRX Knee Tucks 8-25 reps
Use a 55cm or larger stability ball. TRX or rings work great as well.
Keep a strong position throughout. Watch for dropping your head as you fatigue, stay neutral and strong.
(6) Lateral Lunge To Balance 10-12 reps each side
Practice stepping/lunging to the correct distance and depth where your keeping your trailing leg straight with a clean hip hinge, no rounding of your spine.
Hold balance position for 3-5 seconds, feel grounded before going into your next repetition.