Foot & Ankle 4C

Take your time when self massaging the recommended areas, be patient. Your searching for tender points within muscle tissue and fascia. This will help release tension and get in fresh blood / oxygen to the area. Breathe throughout massage session. You can use a Theragun or similar, but foam rollers and balls work best.

  • Watch the videos provided below the workout. Practice each movement, take your time and focus on the positioning and feel for each. Think about what muscles are working, with proper engagement of your core and breathing. Strengthen this connection.

  • Only go to the point of mild discomfort with any of the stretches and mobility exercises. DON’T force anything or work through pain.

  • Options: Complete 1 round in the morning, midday, and at the end of day | complete 2-3 rounds within 1 session.

Begin with Self Massage

(1) Calves 2-5 minutes each area

  • You can use a dense foam roller, 5 inches massage ball, lacrosse ball, etc.

  • Be patient and breathe throughout.

  • Spend more time in and around tender areas.

  • Tilt the lower leg in and out to massage the entire area.

(2) Arch of Foot with Lacrosse Ball, 2-5 minutes each foot

  • If you don’t have a lacrosse ball, make sure the ball is dense enough that it doesn’t deform too much under weight.

  • If the lacrosse ball is too hard, wear a sock.

  • Move slowly around the entire bottom of your foot.

  • Massage towards the heel, move to the joints of the toes, etc. Breathe.

(3) Peroneals & Tibialis with Foam Roller or Theragun, 2-5 minutes each area

  • Use a dense enough foam roller, massage ball, etc.

  • Don’t massage shin bone, stay to the outside.

  • Keep core tight and arms, neck and shoulders in good position as they support you.

(4) Active Gastrocnemius Stretch with Slant Board or Standing, 5 reps with 3-5 sec holds each side

  • Gently move in and out of the stretch.

  • Make sure foot is in good alignment and not collapsed with heel rotated outward. Breathe.

  • If performing the wall stretch, make sure your back heel stays on the ground and move from the ankle to stretch the calf area properly.

1-3 Rounds

(1) Active Soleus Stretch Standing, 5 reps with 3-5 sec holds each side

  • Sit hips back as knee travels forward.

  • Keep foot straight, back foots heel on the ground, watch for knee collapsing inward.

  • Move slowly in and out of stretch. It can take some time to feel the back of the lower leg area.

(2) Toe Splaying 10-15 reps with 5 second holds

  • Stand barefoot. Work to spread toes away from one another as far as you can go, hold for 3-5 seconds.

  • Try not to raise toes off the ground, a little is okay.

  • Practice getting your big toe to move out to the side and in good position. You can physically move it with your hand gently and try to hold.

(3) Kneeling to Tall Kneeling 4-8 reps holding till mild discomfort, can be 5 to 30+ seconds for each rep

  • Begin with Toes under and aligned, splay apart slightly. Keep knees in align with hips and lower leg. Flatten feet and watch for ankles collapsing outwards. Move in and out of positions slowly.

  • Use Toe Spacers if needed and you have on hand.

  • Watch for Big Toe collapsing inward.

  • If you have bunions or Hallux Valgus, avoid toes under, instead focus more on self massage of the calves and foot, reduce overall inflammation and wear shoes that have a large enough toe box that your toes can splay naturally.

(4) Single Leg Quarter Squat with Reaches Around the Clock on Airex Pad, 3-5 rounds each side

  • Balance on one leg, reaching with opposite foot approximately 1 foot in front, bending the balanced legs knee 120º as the reach is executed. Return to starting position, working hourly around a clock (12-6 or 6-12).

  • Practice barefoot on yoga mat or dirt/grass surface or Airex Pad.

  • Watch for knee collapsing inward or bowing outward.

  • Sit hips back, keeping abdomen tight and glutes loaded, connect foot & ankle to your core/hips.

(5) Standing 2 Legs & Single Leg Calf Raises, 10-30 reps with 5 seconds eccentric lowering

  • Begin with 2 legs, feet elevated with foot half on yoga blocks, books, stairs, etc.

  • Take 5-10 seconds for the eccentric phase (lowering your foot to the start position).

  • Progress to single leg for increased demand and strength.

  • Keep a clean alignment on both raising and lowering. Watch for foot collapsing nearing bottom range of motion.

  • Watch for foot bowing outward. Drive through your big toe, 2nd & 3rd toe.

(6) Wall Leans Tibialis Raises, 10-30+ reps with 3-5 second holds

  • Strand a foot or 2 away from the wall, then lay back against the wall, keeping your knees straight and hips against the wall.

  • Raise toes toward shins while splaying your toes, hold, repeat.


Knee 3


Foot & Ankle 4B