Welcome to Mountain Peak Fitness Coaching & Training Systems! Here you will find information on how to set up your account, view your training schedule, import training data and communicate with your coach.
To begin, fill out your Athlete Profile, along with any other profiles or questionnaires that pertain to you. Then sign the Athlete Waiver form. You can find these forms and questionnaires below.
You will then create a Training Peaks account if you don't already have one; we can also create one for you. Training Peaks is an application for coaches & athletes. It is where you will find your training log, calendar and all of your scheduled and completed workouts. You will see a tally of your daily, weekly, monthly & yearly mileages, duration, personal bests, along with a host of cutting edge analytic tools to measure your health & fitness, fatigue level and progress.
Your coach will send you a request to connect, click on the link and accept. Your coach will then be given full access to your training calendar for easy scheduling, analysis and feedback of your completed workouts.
Then just connect your training and smart device to your Training Peaks account for automatic uploads after each workout is completed. Offerings from Garmin, COROS, Apple, Polar, Wahoo, Zwift, Hammerhead, Suunto, Stages and others are all compatible for automatic import and upload. The first time you connect your device, be sure to import all of your training history that is stored on it. Go back as far as you can. You will also be able to manually add and complete workouts, comment, add events and metrics.
Along with the questionnaires and training history, your coach now has the insight needed to precisely create your training plan. For more information on how to do this and to download the TP Mobile App for smartphones and tablets, click here!
On Thursday or Friday of each week you will fill out your TTA Form (Training Time Availability). In this form you will let your coach know how much time you have available to train for each day of the week. This allows us to properly schedule your workouts and training plan. Your schedule is continually refined and scheduled weekly or bi-weekly, based on your feedback and training data analysis of your completed workouts. If your schedule is the same week to week, just indicate this in the TTA Form and you will only have to submit it once or again when your schedule changes.
When steps 1-3 are completed, we will look over and analyze the data from your past workouts that you uploaded to Training Peaks and the questionnaires that you filled out. This can take a couple of days to go through before your initial schedule is updated.
Each morning you will be emailed your workouts for the next 2 days, you can also view your full training schedule at TrainingPeaks.com or through the mobile app for your smartphone or tablet. Make sure to verify your email via the email sent to you from TP.
Communicating with Your Coach
Once your TP account is setup and connected to your coach, you will begin receiving your workouts. After you complete a workout, visit your account, upload a workout file or enter in data manually if a GPS device wasn't used, such as for a strength or mobility workout. Then post any comments or feedback in the pre & post activity comment section (post how you felt, how the workout went, etc.). You don't have to post comments for all workouts, just key workouts or if asked to do so by your coach.
You will stay in touch with your coach via email, phone consults, messaging and video chat. It is important to keep your coach updated on any schedule changes, workout feedback, how your feeling, etc.
Each week fill out your Training Time Availability Form (TTA Form). This is an essential form for you to fill out before each upcoming week so your coach knows which days you have available to train and how much time you have available. It is best to fill this out each week by Friday for the upcoming week. This will give your coach time to effectively schedule your workouts.
Remote Training Video Calls & Self Recording
Through our experience working with our clients and athletes remotely, we have a few recommendations to make this process more enjoyable and streamlined. If you are using a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet, we recommend that you use a tripod for easy set up and adjustments during your sessions. This will allow you to easily setup up for each session and figure out an area for your workout where we are able to see you from head to toe. Having a tripod is also very useful for recording yourself while doing exercises and movements. You can then share those videos with your coach for feedback.
The larger the display, the better. This makes it easier for you to see us if we are demonstrating an exercise or position. Many of our clients are using iPads or their Laptops, as well as connecting their device directly to a big screen TV. Newer generation devices have much better cameras and battery life. This goes with most product offerings from Apple, Microsoft, Google, Samsung, etc. To learn more about Remote Training Video Calls as well as the tripods and adapters that we recommend, click here.
Enjoy the adventure!