Sights & Sounds from the 2017 Vermont 50!
Here is some footage I had taken during the race. I hope to have many photos from the day posted later this week so check back! - Joe Azze • MPF
"Got Some Maple Syrup!" The Vermont 50 MTB Race
Evan went back to the Vermont 50 mountain bike race for the 3rd straight year, looking for a podium finish...
Photos: The 2016 Vermont 50 Mile MTB Race & Run
I went to the VT 50 with the plan to ride it for the 3rd year in a row but with minimal time spent on the bike this year and a lot more time on my feet instead (should of switched to the run...), I decided to experience the event from a different perspective.
The 2015 Vermont 50 Mile Mountain Bike Race by Joe Azze
Here are some photos and thoughts from the 2015 Vermont 50 Mile Mountain Bike Race by Joe Azze.
The 2015 Vermont 50 on a Singlespeed
This was Evan's 2nd year in a row riding the VT 50 and it is quickly becoming his favorite race of the season. Evan took almost 30 minutes off his time from the previous year and did so just using 1 gear.
Race Report: 2014 Vermont 50 Mile Run “Balancing Family Life & Ultrarunning” by Len Huffman
I heard about the Vermont 50 back in the spring from several of my Mountain Peak Fitness / Campmor teammates. Joe Azze was doing the 50 mile bike and Jules Moore the 50 mile run. I had not run a 50 mile race in 2 years so I wanted to give it a go. My obstacle though was my new baby daughter.
Race Report: 2014 Vermont 50 Mile Run "1st Time Mountain Biker, 2nd Time Ultra Runner" by Jules Moore
The first time I participated in this race was in 2011 on my mountain bike with Philip my fiancées uncle. That Vermont year blew my mind of how though this course was and the challenge of mountain biking. Despite my lack of experience and getting my ass kicked with a steel toe boot, I had a blast!
Race Report: 2014 Vermont 50 Mile Mountain Bike Race by MPF Athlete Evan Fineman
My EPIC weekend (yes it qualifies) started on Saturday night as I left my house for Vermont at around 7:45 pm. I rolled up to the hotel at around midnight. I “slept” till around 4 am and then headed for the race.
Race Report: The 2012 Vermont 50 Mile Run by Jody LaPar
I went into this race really wanting to get a 50 miler under my belt this year but having experienced quite a bit of pain in my knees and hips leading up to race day, I was wondering if I would even finish within the 12 hour cut off.