Race Report: 2015 NJ Ultra Festival 50K "Mother Nature's Last Winter Laugh" by Harry Hamilton
The New Jersey Ultra Festival 50K is part of the NJ Trail Series. The race took place on Saturday March 21st, 2015. The Course is a trail behind the County Fairgrounds in Sussex County, New Jersey. During the week leading up to the race day of the NJ Ultra Festival a lot of the snowfall in the area had melted. By Thursday conditions were looking like a fast run.
MPF Campmor Athlete Chris Focacci's 2013 UltraFest 50 Race Report
It’s 6 am on Sunday morning and I am waiting at the race start. Despite what you might think, I’m not nervous at all. Mainly because I started and finished the 50 mile race I had entered over 12 hours ago. I now had the privilege of helping to crew a runner attempting to finish his first 100-mile race.
Zsuzsanna Carlson's 2012 NJ Ultra Festival 100 Miles...Race Report
March 24, 2012 Augusta, New Jersey Ultra Festival 100 mile race. I Ran this race the previous two years that it has been held. During the 2010 race I dropped out at mile 76 with shin pain. 2011 I came in second female in 21:24. In preparation for this years race I trained on more roads than trails due to the flat nature of the course.