“Always the Bridesmaid” Silas Carey’s Race Report from The North Face Bear Mountain 50k
I came into the 2015 The North Face Endurance Challenge 50k at Bear Mountain State Park unsure of my fitness; I hadn’t raced since September of last year, I hadn’t done the volume or long runs in training that I would have liked… But I was also very excited! It was time to race again, and it was my first race representing the MPF/RNR team!
The North Face 50k Endurance Challenge 2015 "Rotten" by Amy Hanlon
Each year one of my favorite races is The North Face Endurance Challenge at Bear Mountain, NY. This was to be my fifth year participating in the event, but my first attempt at the 50k. The previous 3 years I’d ran the 50 mile, and before that, the marathon. However, there was a new obstacle to contend with at this years race...
New Paltz Extravaganza: Pizza Mile & Bear Mountain 50K by Natalie Thompson
I went into this past weekend with a pretty ambitious goal: run teammates Jason Friedman’s New Paltz Pizza Challenge Friday night, (register for and) run The North Face 50k in Bear Mountain Saturday morning, drive back up to Rochester Saturday night, and race the Medved Madness 25K in my hometown on Sunday. Well, in brief, I did not accomplish all of these goals, but whatever I did accomplish, it turned out to be one of those weekends you just hope never ends!
MPF RNR Team in Action! The North Face at Bear, Rock The Ridge 50, an FKT, a Jog and some Pizza...
It was a another big weekend of racing for the team with The North Face Endurance Challenge visiting the great trails of Bear Mountain & Harriman State Park of NY, as well as the Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge.
Len Huffman's 2014 The North Face Endurance Challenge, Bear Mountain 50k Race Report "Sticking it to Bear Mountain!"
Hey Bear Mountain - shove it! Yeah, you heard me. Yes I am pointing 2 appendages your way. You always try to thwart us with your rocky and rooty paths. Your climbs often make us want to curl up into little balls. This year you added streams of water where there shouldn’t have been and mud...
Jules Moore's 2014 The North Face Half Marathon Race Report "Sweat, Mud and Slippery Rocks"
This weekend kicked off the start to my racing season. I would represent my team at the North Face Half Marathon at Bear Mountain. I'd never run this race before but was familiar with the course since I had the opportunity to run all the trail sections. Earlier in the week the NYC/NJ metropolitan area received quite a bit of rainfall...
Len Huffman's 2013 The North Face Endurance Challenge Half Marathon Race Report
The weekend of May 4-5th brought The North Face Endurance Challenge back to Bear Mountain in New York. I was competing in Sunday’s half marathon for the fifth time. This race has been my spring goal for the last few years. I have enjoyed high finishes and went into this years race looking for more success.
At the 2013 The North Face 50, Bear Mtn, A Clip of Jordan McDougal on his way to his 3rd win in a row “The Fall to 1st!”
During the 50 Mile Endurance Run, I was filming near Aid Station #4 Lake Skannatati, mile 20.7. I made my way up the red trail towards Pine Swamp Mtn because I knew this was one of the more visually fun sections to watch runners make their way through.
Pictures From the 2013 The North Face Endurance Challenge, Bear Mountain NY
Another great weekend on the trails of Bear Mountain & Harriman State Park! Weather was perfect for the hundreds of runners that showed up for one hell of an adventure
Laura Swift's 2012 The North Face 50 Mile Race Report
With the encouragement of my Mountain Peak Fitness Campmor Teammates, I registered for The North Face 50 Mile endurance run. It was our “home” course after all! With guidance from teammates I was able to run on the course a few times before the race, but I had really only seen the first 12-15 miles. If I had only known what was in store – R O C K S!
Phil Germakian's 2012 The North Face 50k Race Report
In 2010, I ran The North Face Endurance Challenge Bear Mountain 50K in a time of 5:34, which was good enough for fifth place that year. Since then, I have battled a series of running related injuries that have kept me from ultrarunning for almost two years.
Lenny Huffman's 2012 The North Face Half Marathon Race Report
On May 6th I participated in my 4th North Face Endurance Challenge half marathon in Bear Mountain, NY. The North Face races take place over 2 days with the longer races taking place on Saturday and shorter ones Sunday. There is only one word to describe the course...grueling!
Elizabeth Azze's 2012 The North Face 50 Mile Race Report "The Pain in Gain"
In past years the North Face 50 has been a goal race for me but not this year, typically I do not use races as training but since this was in my backyard I said what the heck. I showed up tired and without a taper trying to keep my eye on the bigger picture of my season.
Photos from the 2012 The North Face 50 Mile Endurance Challenge!
Here are photos from the 2012 The North Face Endurance Challenge in Bear Mountain New York.