Elizabeth's 2011 Running with the Devil Race Report
In the midst of a record breaking heat wave, 100 plus participants decided to embark on a journey that made them wonder if indeed the devil had taken over their minds and bodies. I mean really their aren’t many people who participate in a race where the day time high was projected to be in the high 90’s to 100º with the northeast humidity added in of course.
Zsuzsanna's 2011 Running with The Devil Race Report
Honestly, I signed up for this race with intentions of just showing face and having fun with with the trail running team and friends. It is 8 days before the BIG ONE, The Escarpment Trail Run....a definite goal race for me.
Chris Focacci's 2011 Running with The Devil Race Report
Within the first two months of 2011, I had already raced two 50K’s and a marathon. I had a heavy upcoming race schedule for the year and was feeling as fit as ever. Unfortunately, at the NJ Ultra Festival 100 mile race in March, I suffered a tendon injury in my foot and had to drop out of the race. As all too common after coming back from an injury, I rushed back...