Giant Mountain Adventure in the Adirondacks of New York!
Over the Martin Luther King Jr weekend, a few of us headed up to the Adirondack Mountains for a little winter camping, a Giant Mountain adventure and the WSSF Snowshoe National Championships that was taken place that Sunday.
"The Alpine Stress Test” The 2017 Whiteface Sky Run by Ben Nephew
There is nothing quite like the Whiteface Sky Racing weekend. Not only does it have the only vertical K in the Northeast on Saturday, the Sky Race on Sunday has another two VK’s! My goal for this year’s Sky Race was to run faster...
"Kids Outside" Cascade Mountain Trip Report by Ben Nephew
"While I knew Gavin would love the slide itself, I wasn’t sure how much he would enjoy any necessary off-trail travel to reach the slide. I asked Jan Wellford about the climb, and he said the bushwhacking was not that bad, you just had to get around the near vertical face of the falls, which is a major ice climbing spot in the winter months. I decided that Gav and I would give it a shot..."
Photos: 2017 Whiteface Sky Races (90+ photos)
Photos from the 2017 Whiteface Vertical K and Sky Run!
Video: 2016 Whiteface Vertical K, 3,300 ft of gain, 2.4 miles!
he 3rd running of the Whiteface Vertical K takes place tomorrow morning (Saturday, July 8th)! Here is a little footage from last years race to help prepare you for the 3,300 feet of ascent in 2.4 miles!
Video: 2016 Whiteface Sky Run, 15.2 Miles, 8,000 ft of Gain!
The Whiteface Sky Races are happening this weekend! The weather forecast is just as expected, sunny, clouds & t-storms. I finally got around to last years footage from the Sky Run (15.2 miles with 8,000 ft of gain). Here it is and look forward to it this coming Sunday!