Snow Day in Colorado's Eagles Nest Wilderness

We have been living in Colorado for about 11 weeks now and this was the 3rd time it snowed since being here. Other than that, it has been mostly sunny except for a few days where the smoke and haze from the nearby wildfires kept us inside.

We received about 8+ inches of dry snow. This helped suppress the wildfires but unfortunately it has been pretty dry since, with temps topping out in the 50's. So fires are still a major concern and some still only around 40% contained.

Within the video, I show and talk about the Mountain Pine Beetle that has been killing and destroying trees, leading to endless amounts of tinder. This is do to climate change. Typically the beetle will be kept in check with long cold winters but the last few years this hasn't been the case. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe!



Loveland Pass to Grizzly Peak for a view of A-Basin


Retro Race Report: Kilkenny Ridge Race 2019