Mountain Peak Fitness

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Massage & Stretch 5D


  • Spend 2-5 minutes on each area, taking your time, move around, search for tender points.

  • Be sure to breathe throughout the duration. Holding your breath increases tension, never allowing the muscles to relax enough so you can get deep into the fibers.

  • There may be areas that are really tender so roll them slowly and use the appropriate density massage tool. You can use a Theragun or similar in place of foam rollers and balls. To learn more about foam rolling and self massage, click here.

(1) Massage Gluteals - 2-5 minutes each side with 5 inch ball

(2) Massage Quadriceps - 2-5 minutes each side using a dense foam roller or quad baller

(3) Massage Hamstrings - 2-5 minutes each side using a dense 5 inch ball or lacrosse ball. Elevate the ball on a yoga block or get up on a bench to get deeper into the hamstring.

(4) Foam Roll Lat area & into your Triceps - 2-5 minutes each side


  • Follow up the massage session with the stretches provided. This ensures the best chance of restoring the proper length tension relationship from previous workouts and daily posture stresses.

  • Focus on static stretches (holding for 30+ seconds) but move around some within the stretch by simple moving slowly side to side and front to back. Don’t look for the path of least resistance but search and position yourself in the stretch that feels limited.

(1) Half Kneeling Quad Hip Flexor Stretch (aka - couch stretch) - 4-8 x 10-30+ seconds, alternate legs

(2) 90/90 Hip Stretch - 4-8 x 10-30+ seconds

  • Keep your chest tall and spine straight as you lean into the 90/90.

  • Take your time practicing the Brettzel. Move slowly into your end range of motion, don’t force things.

(3) Active Assisted Hamstring Straight Leg Raise - 4-8 x 10-30+ seconds

(4) Cobra Pose - 4-8 x 10-30+ seconds with nasal breathing throughout

  • Move slowly into position. Press your the tops of your feet gently into the ground with light engagement of your glutes.

  • Begin conservative in the beginning. Increase range of motion as long as no compression is felt in low back.

  • Breath into your belly, feeling a light stretch through your abdominal wall.

  • Watch for shrugging of shoulders.